Tracking Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD)

Volunteer organizations or VOADs play a critical role in disaster recovery by being the boots on the ground or providing donated resources. FEMA allows you to use donated resources (both time and material) to offset your jurisdiction's cost share on FEMA Public Assistance grants. Therefore, tracking these donated resources can help you defray some of your jurisdiction's costs.

Photo of volunteers
Operations view of structures from Crisis Track

Tracking Teams and Tasks

Properly documenting your volunteer time spent responding to the event has always been difficult. Using Crisis Track team and task tracking, you can organize your VOADs to perform work where work is most needed. Crisis Track's licensing allows you unlimited users within your jurisdiction's boundaries. Just have your volunteers download the Crisis Track app, add the volunteer to a team, and they are ready to go.

FEMA Project Worksheets

As your VOAD teams log into the Crisis Track mobile application to respond to events, the software automatically tracks the volunteer people and equipment time used to perform the disaster management tasks. There's no extra reporting needed. Not only do these time records show up on completed FEMA Project Worksheets, but Crisis Track also adds these costs to your preliminary damage assessment numbers.

FEMA worksheets